“Wild Chase”

Dr. Mihir Oswal

Jim Corbett National Park Tiger Visit

One of the best ways to get your adrenalin pumping is to go to a dense jungle not knowing which creature turns up. We headed to the Jim Corbett National Park, one of the best kept wildlife reserves in the country. It’s the homeland of the Tiger and we were really hoping we would sight one. However, we knew the odds were stacked against us.  Sighting a tiger, they say is only for the luckiest for it is very rare to see one. The tiger is a nocturnal creature and prefers the cover of the dark to venture out to hunt.

Yet, we were unusually optimistic. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of the striped beast. And we were not disappointed. As we were slowly driving down, a friend of mine pointed out frantically with a hushed up voice. We peered enthusiastically in the direction of the finger and couldn’t believe what we saw then, the majestic beast was there behind one of the bushes.

All of us became quite excited and forgot that we were there completely unprotected.  The noise that we made irked the tiger and his bright eyes looked at us. That was the first warning. A few of us froze. Then a friend of mine made the mistake of taking a picture with the flash on. The tiger clearly didn’t like the intrusion and started charging at us. The jeep driver, revved the engine and floored the pedal. We had to make a hasty and a terrified exit. It was a close call and we still remember that chilling growl, deadly eyes and the blood-cuddling charge. It was the best safari so far. It’s the tiger we go for in the jungle after all and we got lucky. Truly mesmerizing!!!!

Note: This moment was shared by Dr. Mihir Oswal in Sterling Holidays OMG! Holiday Moments Contest on Facebook. Visit our Facebook fanpage: www.facebook.com/sterlingholidays